I’m a seasoned marketing and communications professional with almost 30 years (30 years!) of experience working in PR with a focus on film, television, theatre and the general arts. My most recent focus as Vice President of Touchwood PR was on the promotion of film and series for Netflix in Canada. I’m also the Co-Founder, and until very recently, was Co-Director of Pioneering Women, a not-for-profit mentoring association for women working in the arts.

In a nutshell, my role in PR has generaly been to raise awareness for artists, arts-related projects, organizations and businesses. And, while I’ve very much enjoyed that journey, it has been extremely demanding of my time and forced me to turn a blind eye to my own artistic ambitions - so that brings me to this: I’ve decided to step away from PR for a while to take a creative sabbatical, allowing time for some creative recovery and perhaps even a little discovery.

I’m not really sure where I’m headed – but this is currently where I’m at…

LOGLINE: An artist, trapped in an entertainment publicist's body for the last 30 years, finally breaks free.

I live in Prince Edward County in Eastern Ontario, Canada. We moved here permanently almost five years ago, and this site started off as an insider's list of things to do in PEC - an artistic project and something to share with friends. It has been impossible for me to keep up with the rapid growth here, so this morphed into more of a study of the amazing characters who are changing the landscape of the region and who inspire me daily. This is an ongoing organic project for me.

I started this site several years ago, shortly after leaving my position of 15 years as the Vice President of Publicity and Promotions at Alliance Films. This is the most recent iteration - now a collection of stories and illustrations with a focus on the power of compassionate leadership from someone who worked behind-the-scenes in the entertainment industry for over 30 years.

My love of Prince Edward County:


My experiences working in entertainment:
